
Disney + Eli Lilly Diabetes Partner Site

visual design

Eli Lilly and Disney came together to create resources for families living with type 1 diabetes. I designed this partner site as a shared space for Disney and Eli Lilly site visitors with the Disney Interactive Family group.


Disney + Eli Lilly partner site

Disney + Eli Lilly partner site

Disney and Eli Lilly partnered to create unique resources for families living with type 1 diabetes. Working with the Disney Interactive Family group, I designed a shared website that delivered information and resources to type 1 families. Key to the project success, I helped meet the project goals of both invested companies.

main site page

main site page

Alternate view of the carousel (top) and partner module (side panel).

Transitional elements

Transitional elements

I designed links from the Disney site to help users stay oriented as they entered (or left) the shared Disney + Eli Lilly type 1 space.
